Saturday, December 7, 2013



日本人性格上比较遵守规矩,做事情认真细致,强调团队精神。这是日本人从小就受到的教育。这样会限制了一些个性的发挥,导致缺少颠覆性创新能力。Peter Drucker在90年代指出日本公司喜欢创造性的模仿,满足于把产品作的更好而不是彻底的创新。


我认为日本公司技术至上的工程师文化,以技术为中心的创新(或者说是创造性的模仿), 而不是以客户为中心的产品开发是其缺少颠覆性创新产品的最重要原因。过于强调技术在产品开发中的重要性,一味准求制造超高质量的产品往往会弱化对市场和客户需求的真正了解。日本公司在技术上不可谓不强,尽管突破性的技术创新不如美国。日本公司将技术研发视为核心,以销售数量而不是市场和客户为导向,过于重视业绩,削弱了其创新能力。我认为:满足和引导客户(包括现有的和新的客户)的现有或未知需求, 为客户创造价值是产品研发和创新的最终目的。技术是实现这个目的的方法和手段之一,有时甚至不是关键的真正以市场驱动、客户为中心的产品开发是产品在市场成功的前提。客户为中心包括满足现有客户的新需求,甚至客户未知的需求和开发新的客户。开发新客户和满足现有客户的未知需求(有时要主动告诉消费者,他们需要什么) 往往是颠覆性创新的最重要目的。

日本公司推行的全面质量管理、改善法、精益生产对于提高产品质量、技术进步、减少浪费、增强企业运营效益具有非常积极的意义。但是正如Michael Porter在他的经典文章"What is strategy"中所说,运营效益并不是企业战略。只提高运营效益不能让企业取得持续性的竞争优势。提高运营效益类似于正确的做事,确定企业战略定位类似于做正确的事,往往做正确的事比正确的做事更关键、更重要。日本企业过度追求运营效益的改善,而忽略战略创新和定位,如果这种情况没有改善,日本企业80年代的辉煌很难再现。

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Videos from Nelson Labs

Nice youtube videos from Nelson Labs on biocompatibility, sterilization, packaging validation tests is here. It gives in-depth understanding on related area after reading the International Standards.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Quality Assurance vs Quality Control

Quality assurance and quality control are two important aspects in quality management system. They often confuse R&D staffs especially scientists at the university who are not familar with the industry and manufacturing. Generally speaking, Quality Assurance (QA) is process oriented and focuses on defect prevention, while Quality Control (QC) is product oriented and focuses on defect identification. Good summary can be found: Difference of QA and QC. In my opinion, QA is to make sure do the thing right then naturally it lead to do the right thing. While QC focuses on investigate if we are doing the right thing.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Smith&Nephew Global Wound Academy

Smith&Nephew is a top company in wound management and surgery materials. They have a very good online study source of wound knowledge: Global Wounda Academy.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Regulations of Medical Devices in Asia

Handbook of Medical Device Regulatory Affairs in Asia is an excellent starting book to learn medcial device regulation in Asia. The handbook is the first to cover medical device regulatory affairs in Asia.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Online Resource for Formulation, Raw Materials and Ingredients

Good online formulation database including main chemical and cosmetic raw materials companies. So needn't search the companies one by one.
Detailed chemical composition in household products.
Chemicals used in Cosmetic in EC. can learn cosmetic ingredients according to their functions and cosmetic directive.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Third Parties of Biological Evaluation and Biocompatibility Testing of Medical Devices

The biocompability of medical device is the basic requirement to ensure safety of medical devices. Biocompatibility testing shall be conducted in compliance with Principles of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and/or ISO/IEC 17025. Before any test, check related administration if test results of the third-party is accepted.

Some third parties which can carry out biocompatibility testing according to ISO 10993 are listed as below:

Monday, July 15, 2013

rsync - a tool for synchronizing files

Rsync is a powerful Unix-type command line tool. I use it to backup my data. The rsync in Mac OX S is version 2.69. Today I upgrade it to version 3.09.

1. Download rsync source file rsync-3.0.9.tar.gz, extract and install:
    $ tar xzvf rsync-3.0.9.tar.gz
    $ cd rsync-3.0.9
    $ ./configure
    $ make 
    $ sudo make install
    It install rsync to /usr/local/bin, so need make a symbolic link:
    $ sudo mv /usr/bin/rsync rsync.old (change old rsync name)
    $ sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/rsync /usr/bin/rsync

    Sunday, July 7, 2013

    The New Product Development Decision Process

    Philip Kotler's classic book "Marketing Management" gives a flow chart of the new product development decision process from idea generation to commercialization. This is a important reference for the product development.

    International Standards on Sterilization of Medical Devices

      Both the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) have developed standards and viable validation guidelines for sterilization of medical devices. These standards often prepared in response to regulatory requirements related to good manufacturing practices and quality assurance.

      Except ISO 10993-7 Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices-Ethylene Oxide Sterilization Residuals, other main standards on sterilization of medical devices can be learned in the ISO website. FDA also issued a guidance document.

      Monday, July 1, 2013

      Fortune Cookie

      Fortune cookie is an interesting program in Unix-like system. I used it when install Slackware Linux in my PC more than 15 years ago. Today I re-install it in my iMac and used with cowsay and lolcat.
      1. Install Xcode command line tools. (its size is much smaller than Xcode)
      2. Install Homebrew
      3. terminal--->brew install fortune-mod cowsay
      4. Add rainbow effect with lolcat. Install it with gem.

      More fancy staffs can be added to .profile to change the cow file randomly when you start terminal.
      COWNUM=$[$[RANDOM%$(ls $COWDIR | wc -l)]+1]
      COWFILE=$(ls $COWDIR | sed -n ''$COWNUM'p')
      fortune | cowsay -f $COWFILE| lolcat

      Saturday, June 29, 2013


      Lyx is a documental processor that combines, you can say compromise too :), the power and flexibility of Tex/Latex with the ease of use of a graphical interface. It encourages an approach to writing based on the structure of your documents (What is you see is what you mean) and not simply their appearance (What is you see is what you get).

      Latex which is typesetting engine for Lyx can obtain high quality, structured, and elegant documents that cannot easily obtained with Microsoft Word. After many years of using Latex, I feel the thinking flow when you writing document seems to be different from Word. If you have a basic knowledge in Tex/Latex, it is very easy to familar with Lyx. I use it from version 1.3 to 2.06 now. It is better and easier for scientist and engineer (maybe except math geek) to use than Latex.

      Today I install Lyx in my iMac after I intall MacTex.

      Sunday, May 5, 2013

      Business Plan

      As a R&D staff, I try to learn some more about business, market, management to know how the company runs everyday. It is certain to be benefitful to develop a new or innovative product from market need to prototype development, to manufactoring and quality managment, to sales. Finaly, I think how to write a business plan is a good way. 

      I have invested in stock many year, known the basic economy knowledge and read many annual reports of listed companies. However, annual reports are mostly what have done in the company. Business plan is about what the company will do. Its main aim is  similar to the funding proposal wrote in the university, i.e. raising money.

      Marketing in Customer-focused Product Development

      Product is the total package of benefits (not just features of products) the customer receives when they buy. It is important for R&D staffs to understand that an industry is a customer-satisfying process instead of a goods-producing process. New product development should be market-driven and customer-focused. It will meet customer needs or creat new customers and markets. 

      Marketing is about satisfying customer needs and wants. According to its definition, marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, capturing, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. It normally includes assessing the market (marketing strategy and marketing plan, SWOT analysis), understanding the market (consumer behavior), and targeting the market (segmentation, targeting, and positioning); creating value (product and service), capturing value (price), delivering value (place and supply chain and channel), and communicating value (promotion, advertising, public relations, customer relationship management). Developing new products is usually a charpter in marketing-related books.

      Marketing plays a major role in developing a successful product. So marketing knowledge is very necessary to be learned for a R&D staff when starting a product development. Basic principles of marketing can be studied with the classic book Marketing Management by Philip Kotler. There is a good youtube playlist for marketing.

      Friday, May 3, 2013

      Validation of Medical Device Sterilization

      Prior to beginning routine sterilization, a product with a sterile claim needs to complete a validation process to ensure the Sterility Assurance Level claimed is met. Normally, A 10-6 SAL, or greater (i.e. 10-6, 10-7, etc.) is used for:
      • Products intended to come into contact with breached skin or compromised tissue
      • Invasive products that enter normally sterile tissue
      • Products with claims of sterile fluid pathways
      • Surgically implanted devices
      • Components used in aseptic processing
      A 10-3 SAL, or greater (i.e. 10-4, 10-5, etc.) is used for:
      • Products not intended to come into contact with breached skin or compromised tissue
      • Topical products that contact intact skin or mucous membranes
      • Products that cannot withstand a 10-6 SAL process
      Sterilization validation studies must document that the product attains the re- quired SAL after exposure to the proposed process. In the industry, sterilization validation is generally evaluated by, first, determining the qualitative and quan- titative bioburden (the type and number of viable microorganisms present on the device just prior to sterilization) after the manufacturing process, then, studying the rate of killing using fractional-run sterilization studies and, finally, deducing the time required to achieve a 10-6 SAL. Validation studies must be done on product samples prepared under actual manufacturing conditions and exposed to the sterilization process under its final packaging configuration. 

      Two methods are used in validation:

        Bioburden method:

        Bioburden: Population of viable microorganisms on a product. In the context of irradiation sterilization, bioburden is determined immediately prior to sterilization. The unit of measurement is CFU: Colony Forming Unit.

        Broadly speaking, and validation consists of three steps: Installation Qualification (IQ), Operational Qualification (OQ) and Performance Qualification (PQ). The IQ and OQ portions are often performed ahead of time by the contract facility and provided in the form of a commissioning package to the customer. The performance qualification demonstrates that the sterilization equipment consistently operates in accordance with predetermined criteria and that the process produces product that is sterile.

        Over-Kill Method:

        The overkill method is the most commonly used method for gas/vapor phase sterilization modalities. This method uses a biological indicator with a population of 106 of the most resistant organism (MRO).  A fractional (Sub-lethal) cycle(s) is run to determine the D-Value of the product in a given sterilization process. The D-Value determines the amount of time needed to kill one log of the MRO.  The half cycle is determined my multiplying the D-Value determined in the fractional cycle by six, plus a safety factor. The calculated half cycle is then tested to verify that a six log reduction is achieved in all locations within the load. A full cycle is double the time/injection of a half cycle. This provides you with a SAL of 10-6 or 12 log reduction. 

        Sunday, April 28, 2013

        Material and Packaging Compatibility in Medical Device Sterilization

        When designing medical device products, sterilization should be considered as early in the development as possible to ensure the material challenges of the sterilization process on the product and packaging. AAMI TIR 17:2008 titled "Compatibility of materials subject to sterilization" is a very important reference.

        EO is highly compatible with polymer-based, single-use medical devices, procedure kits and surgical trays. PVA, PGA, and PLA is not compatible with EO sterilization.

        The Gamma irradiation process can modify polymers, add an ozone odor to the package contents, or cause some discoloring and embrittlement. Gamma irradiation also has undesirable consequences due to the potential production of toxic degradation products such as 4,4’-methylenedianiline (MDA) that can be produced when a high-molecular-weight polyurethane material decomposes as a consequence of irradiation. Polypropylene, PTFE, and polyacetals is not compatible with radiation sterilization.

        A good summary of materials which can be used in Gamma ray irradiation is from Steris Company and Nordion.

        Sunday, April 21, 2013

        Sterilization Methods of Medical Device

        Sterilization of medical devices plays an important role in the product development although it is not heavily invovled or nealy not involved in academic research in universities. It need to be considered in the earlier stage of prototype development, which can avoid the complex or even failure in the later stage.

        Sterilization is defined as a “validated process used to render product free from viable microorganisms.” Terminal sterilization is defined as the “process whereby product is sterilized within its sterile barrier system.” The terminal sterilization process is considered a manufacturing process step itself and usually takes place at, or near, the end of the manufacturing process.

        The presence of microorganisms is expressed as a probability. While the probability can be reduced to a very low number, it can never with certainty be reduced to zero. This is why we use the term Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) to express a sterile claim. SAL is the probability of a viable microorganism being present on a product after sterilization. Normally expressed as 10-n. 10-3 or a 10-6 value being used most frequently for sterilization. Common SAL for medical devices is 10-6.

        Sterilization is accomplished principally by radiation, chemical sterilants, steam under pressure, dry heat, and filtration or combinations thereof. General application and method of sterilization can be learned in Wiki. A more detailed Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities can be found in Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

        It is important to distinguish sterilization from disinfection, which does not ensure the same security level and does not necessarily inactivate all forms of microorgan- isms – bacterial spores, for instance. 

        A sterile medical device is one that is free of viable microorganisms. For a sterile medical device this can be achieved through:
        • A terminal sterilization process
        • Sterilization of components, followed by sterile filtration and aseptic filling into a sterilized container
        • A combination of chemical/physical sterilization and aseptic processing
        The choice of the sterilization method for medical devices depends on a number of factors including the type of material used in medical devices, the type of packaging materials (product packaging and final packaging), the number and type of microorganisms involved, and the classification of the item.

        Saturday, April 20, 2013

        Medical Device Exhibitions

        Although company website, online searching, and FDA database can provide a lot of information on the medical device company, exhibitions are still traditional and rich sources to learn medical device industry. Main exhibitions of medical devices are:
        More exhibition information can be found:

          Saturday, April 13, 2013

          Summary on Format of 510(k) Premarket Notification Submission

          After reading the FDA guidance for Industry and FDA staff: Format for Traditional and Abbreviated 510(k)s, a good summary on the format of an original 510(k) submission including sections and related regualtions, guidance documents, internet links which can be found in Chapter III of the guidance.

          510(k) is a type of premarket submission that is intended to demonstrate that the device to be marketed is at least as safe and effective as a legally marketed device that does not require PMA. A legally marketed device is a device that was legally marketed prior to May 28, 1976, for which a PMA is not required, or a device which has been reclassified from class III to class II or I, or a device which has been found substantially equivalent through the 510(k) process. A legally marketed device is commonly known as the "predicate" device in 510(k).

          FDA recommends that 510(k) submission includes the 21 sections preferaly in the sequence below:
          1. Medical Device User Fee Cover Sheet (Form FDA 3601)
          2. CDRH Premarket Review Submission Cover Sheet 
          3. 510(k) Cover Letter
          4. Indications for Use Statement
          5. 510(k) Summary or 510(k) Statement
          6. Truthful and Accuracy Statement
          7. Class III Summary and Certification
          8. Financial Certification or Disclosure Statement
          9. Declarations of Conformity and Summary Reports
          10. Executive Summary
          11. Device Description
          12. Substantial Equivalence Discussion
          13. Proposed Labeling
          14. Sterilization and Shelf Life
          15. Biocompatibility
          16. Software
          17. Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electrical Safety
          18. Performance Testing – Bench
          19. Performance Testing – Animal
          20. Performance Testing – Clinical
          21. Othe

          Saturday, April 6, 2013

          Multinational Companies for Contract Sterilization of Medical Devices

          Terminal sterilization plays an important role in the development of medical devices. Medical device companies can access to the state-of-the-art sterilization facilities without investing in the equipment or labor required. Contract Sterilizers can be found in the database of FDA Establishment Registration & Device Listing. (Select contract sterilizer in establishment type).

          The multinational companies that provide ethylene oxide, gamma ray or E-beam sterilization services in the different countries are:
          Their websites have the rich resources to learn sterilization of medical device.

          Thursday, March 28, 2013

          The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Medical Devices Information

          FDA website is a rich resourse for learning industry medical devices. Warning letter to related companis can be studied to  sum up experience. Warning Letters. 

          Establishment Registration & Device Listing in Medical Device Database provides detailed information of the company in a medical device which is same with your product.

          Production Classification provides medical device classifications, product codes, FDA premarket review organizations, and other regulatory information.

          Recognized Consensus Standards, 510(k) Premarket Notification, and Premarket Approval databases are very useful as well.

          Saturday, March 16, 2013

          A Good Summary of Medical Device Regulations in the Main Global Markets.

          A Good Summary for fast learning medical device regulations in the main global markets can be download from SGS.

          Saturday, March 9, 2013

          Identify Opportunities in New Product Development from Errors

          We can learn and identify new opportunities from our mistakes as the famous saying "Failure is the mother of success."

          In addition to surgical needs and market analysis, problems、adverse events, and errors of existing products is an effective way to find the opportunities for new product development. They also provide important information for risk management of medical device. The following online resources can be used as references.

          Sunday, March 3, 2013

          Free Online Class in edX: Financial Analysis and Decision Making

          A very good and free online Classroom: edX.
          Financial Analysis and Decision Making class from Tsinghua University in China.

          Stocks investor need read company annual report. How to analysis and evaluate a company and its operation is a basic skill for stock investors. Although reading serveral good books in this areas before, this online class in edX let me recall and summary company's finance, especially some special entries of balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement in China companies' reports.

          Saturday, March 2, 2013

          Business-Driven Research and Development

          As a R&D scientist and engineer in industrial area, although I think they share some common parts in problem-solving skills and applying knowledge people have mastered, business or market-driven R&D has many different points with interest, paper or even funding-oriented research. 

          The book "Business-Driven Research and Development:Managing Knowledge to Create Wealth" by Ashok S. Ganguly, who was the Unilever R&D manager, enhance my understanding about industrial R&D. The author grew from a researcher to a R&D manager. This experience makes the author to be more closer real world of industrial R&D, which is not impossible for professors in businees schools. The book states that the primary role of industrial R&D is to fulfill strategic objectives of the company within a framework of time and cost targets. The author tries to give the means to improve competitive advantage of the company through overcoming the gap between R&D and the market place.

          Saturday, February 16, 2013

          Youtube Channel about Medical Device Regulation in the world.

          The Emergo Group made a very good introduction of medical device regulation in Youtube.

          Saturday, February 9, 2013

          Innovation- beyond Technology and Product Innovation

          The medical device industry is a hotbed of innovation. In today's intense competitive and fast-changing markets, innovative products or services have paramount importance for organizations to obtain sustainable competitive advantage either in lower costs or differentiation or both.

          R&D staff or manager with technology background is easy to think the technology is the first consideration in innovation. Science and technology is No 1 factor, which may work in the university but often fails in the industry.

          According Peter F. Drucker's article "The Discipline of Innovation", innovation starts with a conscious, purposeful search and analysis of new opportunities. The sources of innovation opportunities can be from without a company or industry:
          • unexpected occurrences
          • incongruities between expectations and results
          • process needs
          • industry and market changes
          Three additional sources are from outside of a company:
          • demographic changes
          • changes in perception
          • new knowledge
          Product, process, market, organization, management, service, logistics, business mode, technology innovations can result from these opportunities. These sources will have different importance at different times, areas and firms such as the established and the start-up. New knowledge-whether science, technology or society - is just one in seven sources of innovation. Drucker emphasizes that knowledge-based innovations are superstars of entrepreneurship, demand many kinds of knowledge and long lead times, and is more market dependent than any other kind of innovation.

          Product innovation can get idea from above opportunities. For example, aging (demographic changes) is a serious problem for society but it is an opportunity for medical device industry. I believe that the successful product innovation should be customer-oriented, i.e. meet current customers requirement (incremental and sustaining innovation) or create new customers and markets (great breakthrough or disruptive innovation). For medical device industry, customers may include patients, doctors and nurses.

          Check before using any Chemicals

          When we design any formulation of medical device or cosmetics, had better check the information of chemicals used including general property, safety data, toxicology, cancer et. al. The searchable databases are:
          Of course, searching th chemical in FDA site with "chemical name" in google is the first thing to do.