Monday, July 15, 2013

rsync - a tool for synchronizing files

Rsync is a powerful Unix-type command line tool. I use it to backup my data. The rsync in Mac OX S is version 2.69. Today I upgrade it to version 3.09.

1. Download rsync source file rsync-3.0.9.tar.gz, extract and install:
    $ tar xzvf rsync-3.0.9.tar.gz
    $ cd rsync-3.0.9
    $ ./configure
    $ make 
    $ sudo make install
    It install rsync to /usr/local/bin, so need make a symbolic link:
    $ sudo mv /usr/bin/rsync rsync.old (change old rsync name)
    $ sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/rsync /usr/bin/rsync

    Sunday, July 7, 2013

    The New Product Development Decision Process

    Philip Kotler's classic book "Marketing Management" gives a flow chart of the new product development decision process from idea generation to commercialization. This is a important reference for the product development.

    International Standards on Sterilization of Medical Devices

      Both the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) have developed standards and viable validation guidelines for sterilization of medical devices. These standards often prepared in response to regulatory requirements related to good manufacturing practices and quality assurance.

      Except ISO 10993-7 Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices-Ethylene Oxide Sterilization Residuals, other main standards on sterilization of medical devices can be learned in the ISO website. FDA also issued a guidance document.

      Monday, July 1, 2013

      Fortune Cookie

      Fortune cookie is an interesting program in Unix-like system. I used it when install Slackware Linux in my PC more than 15 years ago. Today I re-install it in my iMac and used with cowsay and lolcat.
      1. Install Xcode command line tools. (its size is much smaller than Xcode)
      2. Install Homebrew
      3. terminal--->brew install fortune-mod cowsay
      4. Add rainbow effect with lolcat. Install it with gem.

      More fancy staffs can be added to .profile to change the cow file randomly when you start terminal.
      COWNUM=$[$[RANDOM%$(ls $COWDIR | wc -l)]+1]
      COWFILE=$(ls $COWDIR | sed -n ''$COWNUM'p')
      fortune | cowsay -f $COWFILE| lolcat