Saturday, December 1, 2012

Final Year Projects

When I was in NUS, as a mentor, I directed more than 40 undergraduates for their final year projects which are applied or exploratory researches in medical  device, biointerface and funcational material aeras. The projects are listed as follows:
  1. Liposomes for drug delivery in bladder cancer
  2. Nanoparticle-based intravesical therapy for bladder cancer
  3. Interaction of stem cells with nanotopography
  4. Anti-biofilm nano composites of graphene oxide
  5. Initial interaction of human bone marrow stem cells and staphylococcus epidermidis bacteria with microtopography
  6. Interactions of human bone marrow stem cells and bacteria with multilayers of chitosan derivatives on titanium
  7. Nanostructure surface interaction with bone marrow stem cells
  8. Injectable chitosan-based hydrogels/membranes for biomedical applications
  9. Magnetic nanoparticles for hyperthermia treatment of cancer
  10. Stability of peptides and growth factors immobilized on orthopedic implants
  11. Polymer-magnetite nanoparticles for cell labeling
  12. Cell-metal interactions in orthopaedic applications
  13. Bacterial attachment to superhydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces
  14. Functionalized materials for antibiofilm applications
  15. Antibacterial properties of calcium phosphate bone cement with incorporation of chitosan nanoparticle
  16. Polyelectrolyte multilayers on metal for inhibiting biocorrosion
  17. Polyelectrolyte multilayers of chitosan and heparin on titanium for biomedical applications

Seven Basic Tools of Quality

I often utilize flow chart, check sheet in the project management in the academic research to improve the work efficiency, they are also used widely in quality management, so called Seven Basic Tools of Quality. Quality management is a field which is less involved in the academic research in universities. Total quality management needs to be considered in the initial stage in prodcut development to ensure excellent final products.